Six Flags New Orleans | Jazzland

Mega Zeph ride in action
The 140 acre site that Six Flags New Orleans sits on was originally called Jazzland; which was owned by a Spanish company called Parques Revindos and operated by Alfa Smartparks (then Odgen Entertainments - Palace Entertainments). Jazzland opened 20th May 2000, with a  ride called the Mega Zeph inspired by the old Zephyr at the closed Pontchartrain beach amusement park. However this park wasn't profitable and the lease was put up for sale in 2001, and the next year Six Flags bought it. Six Flags didn't change the name until April 12th, 2003 and they had already made improvements to the park, adding more shaded areas, added a mirrored version of b&m Batman: The ride coaster model. They were also in the early planning stages of adding a waterpark in 2005, which was going to be announced the end of August. Unfortunately this plans weren't going to happen, the park closed August 21st 2005, and was due to open on the 27th and 28th (weekday operations had ended early due to school) but Hurricane Katrina was forecasted late Friday so the opening was cancelled to prepare for the storm.
How the park looked once the storm had hit
  The storm directly hit the park, leaving it badly damaged and after an assessment it was decided that the damage wasn't worth repairing. July 2006 Six Flags started the process of trying to terminate their 75 year lease, this wasn't agreed until September 2009. There have been various plans for redevelopment, but due to the poor condition that the site has been left in, many plans fell short. The site is owned by Industrial Development Board and they maintain the land, they have 24hr security (officers patrol the site daily) and trespassers will be prosecuted. They upped their security on the site after photos and videos emerged of urban explorers on the land. Tours of the park were also banned as it was deemed the site was no longer operational and there was concern for visitors safety.

The old man from their slogan, left in water

In 2014 rumours began that Jazzland was likely to redevelop the land back into another them park, but the official statement wasn't made until December 2014. There wasn't an official opening date planned, but a small local company have said it will be done by 2018, with different sections in the park (main street square, concert area and many more). Another ride inspired by one in Pontchartrain Beach is the haunted house that operated from 1923-1983, and more rides will be added to the park over the years. There will be a resort hotel and shops built to coincide with the park, and when it does open (possibly in 2018) it will look like a completely different park to the ones that have previously been housed there.


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